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looking for a basset hound puppies


Dec 9, 2004, 12:17 AM

Views: 669
looking for a basset hound puppies

hi i am interested to adopt a basset hound puppies as a company to my other old dog of mine..she lonely since one of our puppy give up on us because of sickness....she dont mixed well with other adult dogs because of the ages gap maybe...so i kind looking for a basse hound in any spca but i have fail so far...any one can help...


Cheers ya,

Nicki the Devil live by the reputation of the name

boBby is a craz3 car PassaNger
Fat FaT other case Elegant Car GuEst
What make Me?
A LoYal huMan Driver.... Frown

NoBody is Prefect, Guess What i am Nobody
Nice to meet YOu

(Bobby+Nicky craze JT memBer)

BoBby San DogstEr
