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Scared,biting dog


Apr 18, 2008, 5:11 PM

Post #1 of 9 (15830 views)
Scared,biting dog Can't Post

I've posted this in another forum before.I'm posting it here to get more help. I have a dog called Scotch. He has been neutered. He is 1 year 8 months. I got him when he was 11 months on 14 July 2007. I got him from the Independent Pet Rescuers. They told me he got knocked twice by a car which led to one of his back legs to be partially broken. Scotch is VERY scared of people. He poops and pees when someone comes too close or when someone wants to pet him. But one day, I got him used to my cousin and the next day, he completely forgot her and pooped again. The other thing is, while he's scared of other people, he loves to bite me. I don't think its a dominant gesture, I think its just playfulness but he doesn't seem to understand that it hurts. Especially at night, when he tends to go mad and barks and starts biting my leg really hard. Even when I say 'no' loudly and firmly, he thinks I'm playing and barks. I don't think he's stupid though. He knows how to 'sit' and 'down', but normally just does it for food. The first problem is much bigger than the second one, please help me. Do you know anyplace I can take to socialize him?As he's very good with dogs. I'm thinking about bringing him to one of the trekking sessions in Gasing Hill, but I'm not sure. He might see a lot of people there and get really scared. Or he might just ignore them and play with the dogs. Please help!


Apr 18, 2008, 7:30 PM

Post #2 of 9 (15816 views)
Re: [Scotch] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

No harm trying to bring him jungle trekking at least once or twice. The first time I brought my Daisy, she was very nervous but the second time, she felt much more at ease.

Bring Scotch and he might have so much fun with the other dogs, he'll forget to be scare of us humans. Smile


Apr 22, 2008, 6:35 PM

Post #3 of 9 (15671 views)
Re: [Scotch] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

i would advise not to let stranger to pet him yet, at this stage when he's really frighten..

juz let him get use to ppl being around him, and let him adjust himself to the distance whereby he feels comfortable with it..

building up confidence needs time...

my dog hates stranger too, unless they have food with them... when i bring her out, she will prefer playing with the new dogs around and choose to ignore the humans.... i think is nothing wrong, but i juz need to warn off ppl not to pet my dogBlush

Pacco de Mongrel
~ Come and join us for a doggie jungle trekking @ Bukit Gasing every Saturday morning ~


Apr 28, 2008, 4:48 PM

Post #4 of 9 (15469 views)
Re: [Amanda85] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

Yesterday, I let Scotch inside the house and as usual, he was jumping around. Then the newspaper man came and my mum said she wanted to sell the newspapers. Since Scotch was inside, the two guys came in.(not inside the house, but inside the compound) I was putting out the newspapers near the door. Then, Scotch went outside. He just sat there and stared at them. He willingly went out by himself. He didn't poop, or pee. He wasn't even shaking and his tail wasn't even between his legs and they were standing quite close. In fact, the guy got scared of him and was saying "good boy,good boy" bacause he was just sitting there staring at him. I was so proud of him. I praised him and gave him a biscuit. This is an improvement. Smile


Apr 28, 2008, 4:55 PM

Post #5 of 9 (15465 views)
Re: [Scotch] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

is great to hear about scotch progression.Cool

i think in future he will attempt to bark at those random stranger that come in the house.

my dog bark and lunges, knocking at cage like a Dogzilla!!Shocked ... and yet she is still a fear biting dog outside of home.Crazy

Pacco de Mongrel
~ Come and join us for a doggie jungle trekking @ Bukit Gasing every Saturday morning ~


Apr 28, 2008, 5:56 PM

Post #6 of 9 (15461 views)
Re: [Amanda85] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

I think that Scotch is actually ok with people. Everytime I take him for a walk, he tends to go towards the people. It's only when they come too close or when they try to pet him that he gets scared. So if it's just people walking around and ignoring him, he's perfectly fine with that. Laugh My dog only turn into a Dogzilla at night when he goes mad and tears the slippers apart. But when see other people, run away. :P


May 29, 2008, 8:14 AM

Post #7 of 9 (13136 views)
Re: [Amanda85] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

Yesterday, I tied him to the gate cause I want him to dry after a bathe. Then the meter man came and he got scared and pooped. I think that he is only ok with peole if HE approach them, which is an improvement since last time he wouldn't even go near anybody. That's why he didn't get scared of the newspaper man, cause he willingly went near them on his own.

K9 Maniac

Aug 30, 2008, 11:30 PM

Post #8 of 9 (10710 views)
Re: [Scotch] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

hey let him try to play wif SabrinaWinkmaybe they would be frens laterBlushCoolTongue


Sep 2, 2008, 3:18 PM

Post #9 of 9 (10567 views)
Re: [luv_leehom517] Scared,biting dog [In reply to] Can't Post

Sure, that would be great. Tongue


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